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Vision about Europe, Africa and exploitation
Gepostet am 30.05.2020 um 22:40

The following vision was given unto one of our church members during a prayer meeting around ascension day. The main prayer topic was Europe.


In my spirit I was looking from Europe to Africa. While its shape became clear I noticed how God was shaking the entire continent. It was like every continent was laying on a separate table before the Lord. On one of those tables Africa was laying in a shallow bowl and the Lord was shaking the table. Thereby the borders were shifted around on the continent and became meaningless. From the North, the South, the West and the East these shakings were reaching Africa. They took the form of plagues, disasters and words of the Lord and shook up everything humans had built up. Riches, palaces and costly vehicles were shaken just like slums, refugee camps and the poorest people. Anything made by men lost its power.

I heard the Lord say: “Plead and cry out to me! This continent has begged for bread and water for many years. Its inhabitants have been exploited and depleted for centuries. The misery is so huge that children, elders and people of every age starve to death and die of thirst. This continent cannot find rest. Cry out to me, so its inhabitants will ask for the true bread of life and become hungry after me!”

I saw angels standing ready and waiting to be released over Africa. They were to bring a seed of longing for the heavens and the true bread of life into the hearts of men. This seed should also cause a longing for God, Jesus and the heavenly manna. Then I saw how the angels were allow to walk from nation to nation all across Africa to spread this seed and a thirst for the living waters, which Jesus speaks of in John chapter 4.

God said: “Cry out for this continent, so that it will be hungry for the bread of life and ask of me to send the angels so they spread this thirst for the living waters! When they eat from the bread of life and drink from the living waters their children will never have to beg for bread again. Then I will provide them with food supernaturally.”

I saw Africa being shaken so hard that huge waves were forming all around it. Those waves were travelling across the oceans and I saw one of the waves reach America where it was shaking the riches, bank accounts, buildings and all that which people had won through exploitation of African people. I saw how this wave of God’s wrath was forming and tore down everything that was wrongfully created through exploitation of Africans. I also saw other waves going into different parts of the world and tearing down any riches people had wrongfully procured by exploiting Africa. Is also saw such waves reaching Europe.

The Lord especially showed me Switzerland. God came with His wave of wrath and shook the web of lies which is the neutrality. He said: “In my kingdom there is no neutrality. Whoever does not gather with me scatters.” God called unto the Swiss churches and Christians to let Him open their eyes and repent. He called them to repent from this wrong status of neutrality which they had even built up into church. A status that made them believe they’d be better and less sinful through this neutrality. But God said: “I don’t acknowledge your neutrality. Your banks, your riches and your living standard are based on the exploitation of dying people, on the exploitation of my children and on the exploitation of Africa.” God revealed what amounts of money from Africa were deposited in Swiss bank accounts. How much money from presidents and corrupt politicians was stored there while the poor people starved to death. He also showed how this money could not be returned to its rightful owners because the Swiss people referred to their neutrality. God prompted the Swiss Christians to tear down this web of lies of neutrality. He said: “Pray that those finances which Switzerland is holding on to will be released! The money that was being hoarded in Switzerland by rich people and exploiters from all of Europe shall be returned to its rightful owners. Pray and repent so that Africa will receive healing and so that in turn you will receive healing as well. Pray that I will release these finances and bring them back to where they belong. Also cry out for angels to spread the hunger for the bread of life and thirst for the living waters!”

So I saw the entire world being shaken. The wrath of God went from Africa into all the world because God is angry that the rich people today are ignorant and heartless towards other people. They behave just like the rich man before whose door lay poor Lazarus and was ignored (Luke chapter 16). But the Lord says: “I have put Africa before your door over and over again and today I put Africa before your door anew. What will you do now?”

It is not about feeding the Africans because God wants to do this. It is also not about drilling wells for them because God will provide water. It is about to looking at them. It is about not stealing from them any more. It is also about casting down this lie that God could be pleased when people are living in riches they wrongful acquired.

Liebe Besucher,
unsere Gottesdienste finden jeweils am Sonntag um 10:00 Uhr in unseren Räumen in den Kavalierhäusern, Schlossplatz 1, hier in Königs Wusterhausen, statt.
Sie sind dazu herzlich eingeladen.
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2. Mose 10-14
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02.03. Beginn der Passionszeit
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Heutige Losungen
Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025:

Wenn der HERR nicht das Haus baut, so arbeiten umsonst, die daran bauen.
Psalm 127,1

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Lukas 5,5-6

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